Summit Life

God’s Miraculous Love Letter

Summit Life with Pastor J.D. Greear

Featured Offer from Pastor J.D. Greear

Request your kids’ activity book from J.D. Greear Ministries now.
Request your kids’ activity book from J.D. Greear Ministries now.

This month, our featured resource is all about the youngest members of our Summit Life family… the kids! We’ve created an entire activity book for kids, including coloring pages, a word search, object matching, fill-in-the-blank’s for Bible verses, and so much more!

This Summit Life-designed activity book is focused on teaching kids about the Bible while making sure they have fun along the way. This month, rather than sending you just one copy that you can use once, we’re sending you the digital version to print for your family over and over again.

This activity book will help you foster both fun and formative, gospel-centered conversations with your whole family and even church family.