Overcoming Abortion and Becoming a Force for Life
Focus on the Family with Jim Daly
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Featured Offer from Jim Daly
Give moms considering abortion a clearer image of their babies.
Are you outraged by repulsive legislation allowing abortion any time . . . even up to the moment before birth? Fight back with a gift to rescue a child from abortion.
Just $60 can save a life through the Option Ultrasound™ program. Moms and babies need your help more than ever. Late term abortion is legal in EIGHT states plus Washington DC and that number is climbing!
Your monthly support as an Option Ultrasound Life Advocate will help us equip more pregnancy resource centers across the country with ultrasound machines, targeting high risk regions with machines to help mothers considering abortion see the child in their womb even more clearly!
An estimated 475,000 babies have been saved since our Option Ultrasound program launched in 2004.
We're called to defend those who can't defend themselves, and babies in the womb are among the most vulnerable in America today. We're working toward a day where every preborn baby in America is given the opportunity to live.