It is always fun to watch raw talent. Check out this video where a hilarious comedian cracks up judges and wins the golden buzzer.

Britain’s Got Talent has all new people auditioning this year, including Deliso Chaponda. He comes out on the stage, happy and ready to share his gift. The judges learn that Deliso is from Malawi. 

Deliso is so funny that even in his interview questions, he has the judges cracking up about his parents being disappointed that his brother became a doctor and he wanted to pursue comedy. 

Deliso starts his act by talking about all of his friends getting married and now complaining about their nagging wives. He begins sharing how he nags at himself while acting. The crowd laughs. 

He says that he did some odd jobs like cleaning houses, and he was tempted to steal, but he chose not to because the Bible said so, but he says nowhere does it say, “Thou shall not swap.” Everyone cackles. He makes funny quips about what he left in place of their things, such as an etch and sketch for a plasma screen. 

He continues by cracking jokes about the British “financial crisis” and what that meant to him coming from Africa. He says that he had not seen a “Save the UK” concert. 

He pokes fun that it cannot be a financial crisis until planes drop off fish and chips for the people. He says it will be a financial crisis when a child has to walk 5 miles a day to get a sparkling beverage. He then finishes on a call center moment. 

The entire audience begins saying to do the golden buzzer, and one of the judges does so excitedly. She gives him a hug and tells him that she loves it. God created laughter, and it is good for all of us to enjoy it.

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22