Few songs convey the comfort and assurance that we have in Jesus better than “Firm Foundation (He Won’t),” performed live here by Katy Nichole and two talented musicians on guitar and percussion. For believers in Christ, “Firm Foundation” offers hope in the hard times and reminds us of the truth we’ve learned along the way. He won’t leave us or let us down!

Katy’s voice is sweet, pretty, and strong, and it’s easy to imagine her personality being likewise. Katy’s look is subtle and sincere; her clothes are neutral in color, and her jewelry is simple metal pieces. Who needs flash when you have a trio of Heavenly-blessed talents and a message with such incredible power!   

Here are a few lines from the second verse of “Firm Foundation:”

And I've still got joy in chaos

I've got peace that makes no sense

So I won't be going under

I'm not held by my own strength

Sometimes, we forget to rest in this truth. We get strung out with worry, doubt, and fear, but the writers of “Firm Foundation,” Cody Carnes, Austin Davis, and Chandler Moore, bring us back home—where peace and security lives. 

At 2:15, Katy begins the first verse again. This time, she sings more powerfully, boldly declaring where her confidence resides. And don’t miss all of the fun instruments that the drummer uses during the performance; the bridge at 3:15 is especially soothing. The guitarist sings along as the performance nears its conclusion, and at 5:10, Katy shouts out “He won’t”!

Essential Worship presents Song Sessions like this one to help worship leaders. Essential Worship “exist[s] to provide resources to worship leaders and worship teams to make it easier for the local church to discover and adopt new music and songs.” What a gift that is! 

“Firm Foundation,” whether enjoyed in church during worship or while traveling alone during the morning commute, is a great anthem for starting one’s day. It’s rare that the outside world doesn’t present sadness and trials, but those types of days are far more tolerable when Katy’s voice and Cory, Austin, Chandler, and God’s words remain forefront in our minds.   

“Nevertheless, the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are his. And, Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” 2 Timothy 2:19